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Nursing Research at SUNY Upstate

Upstate Center for Nursing Research & Innovation

Upstate Center for Nursing Research & Innovation

Research is a primary mission at Upstate Medical University. As an academic medical center, nurses are encouraged to lead and participate in clinical inquiry and are provided mentorship and support from brainstorming through dissemination. 

Available Support Services

Nursing Research and EBP support is available to all nurses at Upstate Medical University:

  1. Nursing Research: Question development, design, data collection/analysis, IRB application, manuscript writing, poster, podium presentation
  2. EBP: Question development, literature review, project design, implementation, IRB application, dissemination
  3. Quality Improvement: Problem identification and analysis, project development and implementation, outcomes evaluation, poster, podium presentation, manuscript writing


Get Started

Toolkits for Nursing Research, Evidence-Based Practice Project, and Quality Improvement Project. Not sure where to begin?  Fill out the “Have an Idea?” link and a member of the nurse research team will work with you 1:1 to get started!

Nursing Research

Nursing research utilizes scientific methods to generate new knowledge on a topic. When exploring your question, you find a lack of literature or a gap in the literature, this is a good opportunity to conduct your own research study.


  1. Fill out our “Have an Idea?” link and a member of the nurse research team will contact you for guidance and resources.
  2. Develop topic/research question
  3. Search the literature on Upstate’s Library page to see what evidence is out there on your topic.
  4. Develop a brief research proposal
  5. Present proposal to Research and Innovation Council
  6. Develop study design and methods
  7. Complete required CITI Training
  8. Create IRB account if needed
  9. Complete Training on IRB page if needed
  10. Submit IRB package
  11. Begin study
  12. Analyze Results
  13. Dissemination

Evidence Based Practice

Integrating current evidence into our nursing practice is critical to providing the best care.  EBP can also generate projects to improve processes, systems and professional practice.  If you are wondering about the best practice for a certain topic area, then an EBP project is for you. 

Upstate Nursing has adopted the Johns Hopkins Model for EBP which follows the 3 phases of

  1. Practice question,
  2. evidence,
  3. translation of evidence into practice. 


  1. Fill out our “Have an Idea?” link and a member of the nurse research team will contact you
  2. Develop project proposal following Johns Hopkins EBP Model (JHEBP Model)
  3. Proposal review [JHEBP Appendices A - I]
  4. Project Implementation
  5. Evaluation
  6. Dissemination

Quality Improvement

If you want to improve a metric in your clinical practice area, or adherence to policy or existing protocol, a quality improvement project will help you achieve this. Upstate Nursing uses the PDSA (Plan, Do, Study, Act) methodology for quality improvement.  There are tools and a step by step guide available on the website.


  1. Fill out our “Have an Idea?” link and a member of the nurse research team will contact you
  2. Complete QI Project plan using PDSA form and planning table
  3. Finalize measure
  4. Implement project
  5. Analyze project
  6. Disseminate


No matter which track you are on EBP, QI, or research – consider disseminating your work! There are a variety of ways to disseminate your work and a member of the nurse research team will support you in any or all of them! 

Internal Dissemination:

  1. Nursing Grand Rounds
  2. Sharing your findings at staff meetings/leadership meetings/Shared Governance

External Dissemination:

  1. Poster submission
    1. Identify professional nursing organization conference that project is appropriate for
    2. Confirm dates of conference, identify deadlines for abstract submission
    3. Review abstract guidelines for specific conference
    4. Follow instructions and submit – that is it!
    5. A member of the nurse research team is available to help you with drafting this abstract – please reach out!
  2. Podium presentation
    1. Identify professional nursing organization conference that project is appropriate for
    2. Confirm dates of conference, identify deadlines for podium presentation submission – often an abstract for a poster and a podium presentation can be submitted at the same time
    3. Review guidelines for specific conference
    4. Follow instructions and submit – that is it!
    5. A member of the nurse research team is available to help you with preparing this, please reach out!
  3. Manuscript writing for publication
    1. Identify journal that project is appropriate for
    2. Review author guidelines for manuscript submission
    3. Start preparing manuscript – A member of the nurse research team will help you at any and all steps

Have an Idea?

Even if you are not sure how to get started, submit what you have and we will support you in developing your idea with 1:1 mentoring and guide you down the right track.

Nursing Reseach & EBP Team

Upstate Center of Nursing Research & Innovation is dedicated to supporting and building a nursing infrastructure to promote a culture of inquiry, nursing research, and EBP into clinical practice.

Upstate nursing is committed to improving patient care and outcomes through research and innovation. Our team is available to assist any nurse with a quality improvement project, evidence-based practice project, ​research idea, abstract writing, publication, podium, or poster presentations. Our team is here to support you with the guidance needed to facilitate the conduct, translation, and dissemination of research and evidence-based practice initiatives.

We look forward to working with you.
You may reach us at:

Emery House